Sustainable Development Goals
Ella’s Kitchen (Certified B Corporation)
Zero Hunger 2.2 - Address the nutritional needs
All products are rich in nutrition without any additives
Zero Hunger 2.4 - Sustainable food production systems
All smoothies, baby food and kids’ snacks are 100% organic and with natural ingredients
Decent Work and Economic Growth 8.8 - Protection of labour rights and promotion of safe and secure working environments
Mental health first aiders are available for confidential support
Diversity & inclusion framework is launched
Responsible Consumption and Production 12.2 - Sustainable management and efficient use of natural resources
Reduction in emissions based on science based targets
Responsible Consumption and Production 12.5 - Reduction of waste generation through prevention reduction, recycling and reuse
Pledged to have 100% recyclable pouch by 2024; Nearly 75% of all pouches will be fully recyclable at curbside in the United Kingdom
0% food waste to landfill through energy recovery, as well as donations to food banks and animal feed
Partnerships for the Goals 17.17 - Effective public, public-private and civil society partnerships
Joint mentor scheme with fellow B Corp companies including Pukka, Cook and Lily’s Kitchen